Howdy! We currently use OrderMotion for my mom's Yahoo! Stores. While it's not perfect (reporting: boo!), it works pretty well, but it's NOT cheap. And, as you might already know, OrderMotion is rolling out a another HUGE rate increase in 2009 with their new OMX software, so we're currently looking at alternatives for a PLAN B.
Going from Web-based software ("in the cloud") back to locally-based software on a network server makes me nervous. I know we'll need a server with all kinds of back ups, a better firewall, and probably a contract with a local IT company, but I hate this! This is SO frustrating! I'm used to concentrating on getting more sales, not finding out what I don't know that I don't know about maintaining an IT infrastructure...
Yahoo! Store owners: Can I ask you for a quick favor because I'm researching order management software and I need your help because you know more than I do! Can I pick your "retailer brain" for less than 5 minutes? Please take my survey on order management software.
Answer 10 survey questions and I'll make it worth your while by sharing some unpublished transcripts of interviews and presentations I did earlier this year. Included in your PDF will be info from SOME of the following 2008 content:
* Excerpts from a couple of video interviews from eMetrics,
* text from a radio interview on increasing conversion rate,
* my notes from Internet Retailer 2008 Presentation
* info from my Brazil SMX2008 "Content is King" speech,
* notes from when I testified to Congress this summer,
* notes on Y! Web analytics videos we did with Avinash & Co.
* and my PubCon 2008 presentation on 17 things you can do to make more with your Yahoo! Store...
I'm making up a nice little New Year's present in PDF for my Y! Peeps which I'll pull together by the end of New Year's Day and the ONLY way you can get it now is by taking this quick little survey.
Personally, I obsess over increasing conversion rates, ramping up your Internet marketing, maxing out your SEO efforts, not going broke with PPC, etc., but I figured if I shared some unpublished goodies with you, you would share what YOU know, with ME about YOUR experience picking order management software!
Anyway, you share a few facts with me and I'll share some new info I picked up this year with you. Thanks for your time!
Here's to your continued success and dealing with these "interesting times" in 2009!
-- Rob Snell,
Somewhere in rural Mississippi freezing his tail off...