I knew that you could now deep link to YOUTUBE video and jump to a timestamp like #t=0m26s like so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4KZnxHFrVk&feature=related#t=0m26s
But I just learned that you can deeplink an EMBEDDED youtube video ON ANOTHER SITE by adding &start=59 to URL (where 59 = seconds into the clip...)
This way I can jump folks past all the BS and straight into the ACTION... ALMOST like a highlight reel...
Hmmmmm... Now if I can add a &STOP=121 and then a JUMP TO NEXT VIDEO right after that....
And how can folks upload clips from copyrighted TV shows? Even short ones? If not for profit, is THAT fair use?
from How to make a Youtube lInk to specific time in Videos; Deep linking with embedded videos, too