Yahoo Store Books on SEO, RTML, Internet Marketing, etc.
  • My book is like so 2006, but there's still a lot of timely stuff in there, folks!
    Free Yahoo! Store Newsletter Read my somewhat quarterly marketing newsletter full of Y!Store SEO, SEM, PPC and Conversion rate boosting tips and tricks
  • Last year Rob testified about Yahoo Store in Congress. READ THE TRANSCRIPT.

BIO: Rob Snell is author of a DUMMIES book, a now retired Yahoo! Store designer / developer, and a small business owner probably much like yourself.

COPY COW is his
Starkville copy shop
GUN DOG COMICS was where he sold comic books
Currently, he's a co-owner of the family business selling dog training collars & pet supplies with his brother, Steve Snell.

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Karl Ribas

Hey Rob... don't sweat it man. If all else fails just showcase your party PIMP hat and robe, and strut. It worked for SES anyway. Best of luck at Pubcon.

Jacob Wolbach

Rob: I'd be most interested in how you grew a business from $15K to $1.5MM and how a guy like me could replicate that success. What aspects are the most important to start with and what is fluff? You can say "Add more content and add more converting keywords" but HOW do I do this? Thanks Man.

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