Yahoo Store Books on SEO, RTML, Internet Marketing, etc.
  • My book is like so 2006, but there's still a lot of timely stuff in there, folks!
    Free Yahoo! Store Newsletter Read my somewhat quarterly marketing newsletter full of Y!Store SEO, SEM, PPC and Conversion rate boosting tips and tricks
  • Last year Rob testified about Yahoo Store in Congress. READ THE TRANSCRIPT.

BIO: Rob Snell is author of a DUMMIES book, a now retired Yahoo! Store designer / developer, and a small business owner probably much like yourself.

COPY COW is his
Starkville copy shop
GUN DOG COMICS was where he sold comic books
Currently, he's a co-owner of the family business selling dog training collars & pet supplies with his brother, Steve Snell.

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Brett Tepper

A must have for small business owners!, July 4, 2007
By B. Tepper (New York, NY) - See all my reviews

After reading this book, I no longer have to guess how to edit my own store! It breaks things down clearly with examples, and pictures.

Laura Helvey

Rob, you are awesome! Thank you so much for all of your help, you have taught me so much about my own yahoo store! MUCH better than the yahoo help pages by FAR! The blogs, posts, books, I hope everyone who has a yahoo! store will find your words of wisdom. Thank you again :) Laura~


Very interesting blog on keyword conversion. This is a frustrating part of increasing sales on the web sites I manage! Google Analytics has been a help in identifying those specific keywords that bring customers to our site to make a purchase. An issue I have is that some of our keywords take customers to our home page instead of our product page, so they have to look for what to buy. We're working on this so hopefully sales will be increasing!

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