Yahoo Store Books on SEO, RTML, Internet Marketing, etc.
  • My book is like so 2006, but there's still a lot of timely stuff in there, folks!
    Free Yahoo! Store Newsletter Read my somewhat quarterly marketing newsletter full of Y!Store SEO, SEM, PPC and Conversion rate boosting tips and tricks
  • Last year Rob testified about Yahoo Store in Congress. READ THE TRANSCRIPT.

BIO: Rob Snell is author of a DUMMIES book, a now retired Yahoo! Store designer / developer, and a small business owner probably much like yourself.

COPY COW is his
Starkville copy shop
GUN DOG COMICS was where he sold comic books
Currently, he's a co-owner of the family business selling dog training collars & pet supplies with his brother, Steve Snell.

« 10 Minutes SEO: Consolidate Link Popularity for your Yahoo! Store | Main | READ SOME ROEBUCK: Integrating PayPal into your Yahoo! Store »



Forget about displaying your entire inventory to your customer. Think of your store as a “guide” and not a “catalog”. Educate and guide your visitors to make the right choices and you’ll see greater boosts in your conversion rates. Here’s how…

In a previous consultation we showed you how to make sales online by directly answering your customer’s biggest questions. Now we’ve just carried out a similar consultation on a client suffering from a similar misfortune.

Are you making the same cardinal sins that 90% of ecommerce sites are?!

HERE’S A NEWSFLASH FOR YOU - Catalogue style sales websites simply don’t work on the Internet in many niche areas. Too much choice and too many products on a page can actually reduce sales.

Get out of the dark ages and step ahead of your competitors by educating them and guiding them on a journey deeper into your sites. This Case Study explains how.


Home Based Business

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