Howdy! Can I ask a quick favor? Yahoo is pushing my Yahoo! Store DUMMIES book in this week's Yahoo! Store newsletter going to some 40,000-odd store owners. COOL! This should be the biggest sales bump I get since the book came out in March and most of it will come from Amazon.
A buddy of mine suggested I need more (and more detailed) reviews on the Amazon page. OK. So I asked some folks to review the book and got up to 17 reviews in less than 12 hours! Holy cow! You folks rock!
I can't believe the feedback I'm getting after that email. It's like getting to hear all the nice things folks say about you at your funeral without having to actually die. Kind of makes gaining that 15 pounds writing the book seem worthwhile. (Mmmm, Shipley donuts...)
If you don't mind, have time, and are so inclined, could you post a
review? Even using some of the comments you've emailed me about the book would be helpful! Here is the Yahoo! Store book link and this is the WRITE A REVIEW for the Yahoo Store book link...
Thank you. Thankyouverymuch.
-- Rob Snell (somewhere in rural Mississippi)
P.S. I forsee showing some cool tricks picked up at SES to folks showing the love...