Yahoo Store Books on SEO, RTML, Internet Marketing, etc.
  • My book is like so 2006, but there's still a lot of timely stuff in there, folks!
    Free Yahoo! Store Newsletter Read my somewhat quarterly marketing newsletter full of Y!Store SEO, SEM, PPC and Conversion rate boosting tips and tricks
  • Last year Rob testified about Yahoo Store in Congress. READ THE TRANSCRIPT.

BIO: Rob Snell is author of a DUMMIES book, a now retired Yahoo! Store designer / developer, and a small business owner probably much like yourself.

COPY COW is his
Starkville copy shop
GUN DOG COMICS was where he sold comic books
Currently, he's a co-owner of the family business selling dog training collars & pet supplies with his brother, Steve Snell.

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I saw your note about retailers needing a strong developer base to build tools to help them grow. Totally agree.

I wanted to bring another solution to merchant growth to your attention and hopefully get a conversation going with you.

Shipwire offers a U.S. and International Storage (warehouse) and Shipping (order fulfillment)solution for Yahoo! Stores.

We've found that many merchants are spending a huge amount of their time just doing order fulfillment and not focusing on sales, PPC and general business growth. There are reasonably priced options to completely outsource the hassle of order fulfillment.

Shipwire is just one option. To toot our horn a bit, I think we're a good option because:
1) Fully integrated with Yahoo! stores so merchants don't have to spend their time doing developement.
2) We offer multiple U.S. warehouses and help merchants with freight movement to geographically move inventory closer to the end buyer = HUGE shipping savings. Our blog has more on that.
3) We offer Canadian warehouses so that merchants can move inventory to Canada, clear customs in bulk and fulfill orders in Canada as if they were a local merchant.
4) Free Trial, No contracts and up front pricing that is very cost effective.
5) We have a partner program so that Yahoo! developers and designers can benefit from Shipwire as well

I would be really interested in speaking with you further about your thoughts on merchant growth and what other tools you think Shipwire can offer to help merchants grow.

888-Shipwire (ask for Nate)

Thanks for the great blog content. Great to follow. Sorry to hear about your house!!!


Complete list of storage and shipping features for Yahoo! Store.

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