Yahoo Store Tips & Tricks Intro
"When Mike and Istvan asked me to write the introduction to this book, I was very excited for two reasons: First, I just wanted to read the dang book and get the good stuff for my own stores before everyone else did. Second, I wanted to steal the really good stuff for my forthcoming "Yahoo! Small Business / Yahoo! Store For Dummies" book!
All teasing aside, you really need to buy this book if you are serious about making more with your Yahoo! Store. It shows you over 100 tips, tricks, tweaks, and templates to jazz up your store. You can do something with this info almost immediately, too! I was editing templates after about 30 minutes of diving into the book.
Buy this book if you are a Yahoo! Store owner. Improve the look and feel of your Yahoo! Store without touching custom programming or RTML. This book shows you specific store features you can add or enhance with RTML template tweaks. It also shows you exactly how to do it!
Not a programmer? Me either! If you don't want to wade into the thick stuff, read the overviews, skip the code, and buy a copy for your favorite geek. You can always outsource this stuff, too. Open up your wallet or your Paypal account and hire a Yahoo! Store developer. There are dozens of RTML guys (and gals) who can implement RTML template changes for you.
Buy this book if
you are an RTML developer. You'll learn enough from one or two little
tricks to more than pay for the price of this book. I think they should
charge fellow developers $500 or $1000 for the tips and tricks alone,
much less the template examples. $31.95 is a bargain!
Mike & Istvan have forgotten more RTML than I'll ever know. I was playing with RTML back in the good ole days, but I didn't know what I was really doing until their books came out. I am NOT a programmer. I'm a retailer turned internet marketing consultant who had to learn to hack RTML to be able to make my Yahoo! Store pages look the way I wanted to increase conversion rates and to make the pages as search engine friendly as possible.
Mike's book ("RTML for Yahoo! Store - A visual quick-start tutorial to modifying templates") got me deeper into modifying RTML templates. I could already do cool design stuff with RTML with tables, but I was afraid to actually do any programming until I read his book.
Istvan literally wrote the book on RTML with "RTML 101." I re-read Istvan's RTML 101 book for the 17th time on the flight out to their latest training seminar. Wow! I'm still amazed at how Istvan was able to reverse engineer all of this stuff with almost no documentation from Yahoo!
Mike & Istvan's "Yahoo! Store Tips & Tricks" shows Yahoo! Store owners how to do two very important things: 1) save time by speeding up daily store editing and maintainence tasks and 2) make more money by creating a faster and easier shopping experience for customers. Highly recommended."
-- Rob Snell